Stefan Cappelle

postato in: Relatori 2015 | 0


BU Director/BU Bakery Flavours & Yeast Puratos Group

Stefan Cappelle, graduated as Bio-engineer in 1996 at the University of Ghent, in Belgium.
After a 2 years project on food microbiology at the University of Ghent, joined Puratos in 1998 in the research lab in Brussels, focusing on the development of sourdoughs.
Since 2006, responsible for the business unit of sourdoughs and yeast for the Puratos Group, providing technico-commercial support to the more than 100 countries in the world where Puratos is present.
Making better quality bread available to the world through the use of natural sourdoughs is the overall objective.
Furthermore, happily married with 2 lovely children.(which I do not see enough).
And brewing as a hobby

Juliette Kuiken

postato in: Relatori 2015 | 0


Market Analyst, Innova Market Insights

Juliette Kuiken is market analyst at Innova Market Insights, an international market research company which tracks new food and beverage product launches. Juliette obtained a master’s degree in Economics from the VU University in Amsterdam. Prior to joining Innova Market Insights, she worked at the Food & Agribusiness Research department of Rabobank International, where she covered market developments in the European consumer foods industry.

Carlo Giuseppe Rizzello

postato in: Relatori 2015 | 0


Ricercatore presso la Facoltà di Agraria dell’Università degli Studi di Bari

Il Dott. Carlo Giuseppe Rizzello, nato il 23.10.1977, ha conseguito la laurea in Scienze e Tecnologie Agrarie con votazione 110 e lode/110 presso la Facoltà di Agraria dell’Università degli Studi di Bari, discutendo la tesi dal titolo “Produzione di peptidi bioattivi da idrolizzati di Na-caseinato mediante proteinasi di Lactobacillus helveticus” e il titolo di Dottore di Ricerca in Microbiologia, Sanità e Chimica degli Alimenti (XVIII ciclo) presso il Dipartimento di Protezione delle Piante e Microbiologia Applicata dell’Università degli Studi di Bari, sviluppando l’argomento “Proteine e peptidi fisiologicamente attivi”, nel 2006. Continua